Netflix's localization strategy is shining, and locally produced content is captivating global viewers.
Netflix is putting a lot of effort into producing original content that reflects the culture of specific countries and regions. Specifically, the company is increasing its collaboration with local production companies, broadcasters and creators for production, and is employing a localization strategy that manages local sentiment and creates an environment conducive to marketing.
Content produced through this localization strategy is not only aimed at securing local subscribers, but is also distributed and evaluated by global audiences. Squid Game" from South Korea, "Sacred Games" from India, and "House of Paper" from Spain are considered representative success stories.
When local content created through a localization strategy becomes popular with global audiences, Netflix's content efficiency increases accordingly and profitability improves significantly.
Recently, there has been a growing number of such successful content releases.
Last week, we analyzed Netflix's top 10 global content and found that there were seven countries represented, with three Korean content, two British content, and one each from the US, Sweden, Norway, Colombia, and Romania. With the exception of "Departure," which was co-produced by the UK and Canada, all nine episodes are original Netflix content.

During the same period, most streaming platforms, including Disney+, Amazon Prime, HBO MAX, and Paramount+, are dominated by content produced in the United States.
Disney+ had U.S. content in all of its top 10, HBO MAX had U.S. content in all of its top 10 except for two British and Spanish titles, Amazon Prime had U.S. content in addition to three Italian, Korean and Colombian titles, and Paramount+ had U.S. content in all of its top 10 except for one Mexican title.
While Netflix's successful localization strategy has increased the efficiency and profitability of its content in the global streaming competition and kept it competitive, competing platforms are still limited to specific countries.
Netflix's "Local to Global" strategy is another strategy that showcases the cultures of different countries to a global audience, achieving both localization and globalization at the same time. This strategy not only secures viewers in a specific region, but also provides a new experience for global viewers who want to experience different cultures from around the world, and has a significant impact on increasing subscriber satisfaction and retention.
In particular, these success stories are likely to play an important role in Netflix's global expansion strategy, as they suggest the possibility of Netflix expanding its production of content reflecting cultural characteristics in more countries in the future.
Netflix's localization and global strategy will be a win-win for viewers, providing them with a broader and richer content experience and satisfaction, and for producers and actors, providing them with the opportunity to go global.
To secure a global market, a "localization strategy" is not an option, it is a necessity.